Alcohol Change UK
Alcohol Change UK is a UK alcohol charity. Their website has lots of information about alcohol and details of help and support available. They also run Dry Ja...
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous are concerned with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of people dependent on alcohol.
Break the Cycle
30 tear-off cards for injectors who don’t want to encourage others to start injecting.
Drinkaware is an alcohol education charity that works to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK by helping people make better choices about their drinking....
Drug related emergencies
You may need to do different things to help someone in a drug related emergency, depending on their appearance and behaviour.
Everything you need to know about Cannabis
This leaflet is aimed at young people who want to make an informed decision about cannabis, but can’t be bothered to spend longer than ten minutes being infor...
F.L.A.G.S. – Forces – Linking Alcohol and/or Gambling with Support Services
Get Self Help
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has been proven to help mental health problems. This website provides CBT self-help and therapy resources,
Helps you to better mental and emotional health through free guides and tools on a wide range of topics like loss, sleep, stress and relationship break-ups...
Heroin FAQs
Heroin. Chemical name, diamorphine hydrochloride – a product of the opium poppy.
How to go out drinking
The vast majority of people go out drinking and have a good time without ever coming to any harm, but . . .
I Am Only Human 3
Watch behind the scenes footage of SSJ clients taking part in the I Am Only Human 3 film making course, organised by the Portsmouth Film Society and funded by...
Legal High Use
A legal high can become subject to a new law called a Temporary Class Drug Order (TCDO).
Legal Highs for people in mental health crisis
It says “Not for Human Consumption” on the packet, because legal highs have never been tested on humans.
Let’s talk about ChemSex
Terrence Higgins Trust’s free online group for gay and bisexual men.
Living Life to the Full
Free online courses covering low mood, stress and resilience. Work out why you feel as you do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel...
Mental Illness – Alcohol and Drugs
This story is about Jason and the role that alcohol and a range of other drugs play in his life and his illness.
Mental Illness – Cannabis
This story is about David and the role that cannabis plays in his life and his illness.
Mental Illness – Heroin and Crack
This story is about a man they call ‘God’ and the role that heroin and crack plays in his life and his illness.
Provides a way to monitor and record your daily activities and mood levels. There’s a light version which is free.
Narcotics Anonymous
We are Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom & Channel Islands. If you have a problem with drugs, we are recovering drug addicts who can help you get...
NHS Mental Health resources
On the NHS Mental Health resources website, you can read about self-help guides, tools, and activities to improve your mental health.
NSP Direct
Ordering your equipment could not be easier, if you have an address within the postcode PO1 – PO6. You can access the equipment you need, via NSP Direct...
People often die from overdoses because other people don’t know what to do to help.
Overdose – what to do
If you act quickly and do the right thing, deaths from overdose can be prevented. This leaflet helps explain what to do
Parent Support Link
Are you in crisis or wanting some telephone support? You can access our 24 hour telephone support line which is run by our partners, Parent Support Link. All...
Portsmouth Mental Health Hub
The Portsmouth Mental Health Hub will provide you with support for your mental health. You can call the friendly team Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm.
Portsmouth Mental Health Hub
The Portsmouth Mental Health Hub can provide you with support for your mental health. Call the friendly team (Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm)
Preventing Overdose with Naloxone
Important information for anyone who has been given naloxone to use to prevent overdose.
Rebound is a confidential, friendly support group for carers or family members affected by a loved one’s drinking or drug-taking.
Safer Steroids – Polish
Information postcard on safer anabolic steroid use, advice on reducing the risk of injecting into muscle, and side effects.
A speedball is crack (or cocaine) and heroin injected together in one shot.
The Detox Handbook
Basic information you need if you are coming off, or thinking about coming off, any of the opiate drugs such as heroin or methadone.
Treatment Choices – Buprenorphine
Buprenorphine is sold in the UK under the trade name Subutex. It is a long-acting opiate that you take as a pill that dissolves under the tongue.
Treatment Choices – Methadone
Methadone takes about four days from the start of treatment to build up in your system and to give full effect.
Understanding volatile substances
You may feel, though, that you need help right now and want to know where to get that help.