LGBTQIAP and Queer Recovery Services
At the Recovery Hub we pride ourselves on our inclusivity and understanding of the needs of our LGBTQIAP and Queer community.
We offer a safe space for all substance and recovery interventions by highly trained staff. Our services offer confidential advice, safety information around Chemsex, Sober Sex, Slamming, Hook’ups, Safe power play in sex and a whole lot more with our dedicated LGBTQIAP and Queer Substance Misuse Recovery Worker.
Our dedicated service for LGBTQIAP and Queer adults is available for those who live in Portsmouth and may be seeking skilled support and advice around substances, sexual health, Chemsex, Gender and related issues.
This is an outreach service which means you can be seen at your own home or any location that feels safe for you. We can tailor support to your situation and needs.
We offer discreet and confidential one to one and group support as well as training for other health and social care services on how to be LGBTQIAP inclusive.
As part of our support and role we work closely with Solent NHS Sexual Health services and can help you access the right support and interventions and help with referrals, advice and contraception, sexual health and PEP/PREP.. Click on the links below if you want to access any resources to help keep you safe and don't forget to refer yourself so we can help your life better.
SSJ understands how sober sex and navigating relationships without substances can be difficult. Our highly trained staff can help you access confidential psychosexual services and support to help you towards having healthy relationships with yourself and your partners. If you feel at risk in your sexual relationships or want to access resources to help keep you safe, you can access our advice and resources below.
Thinking about cutting down on the booze?
Drinking more than you’d like?
Cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink can improve your health, boost your energy and put money back in your pocket.
We offer structured support to those seeking to reduce the amount of alcohol they drink and enjoy the benefits of a healthy relationship with alcohol.
All sessions are delivered by our skilled practitioners in a community location.
Armed Forces and Serving Personnel
Forces Linking Alcohol and Gambling with Support
At SSJ, we offer specialist Psychotherapy provision to all military staff and personnel. All sessions are confidential and services are offered on military bases throughout the week.
At F.L.A.G.S. We see the impact alcohol and gambling can have on people's lives, careers and their families and we are here to help and assist.
We are an independent service funded by the Royal Navy and Royal Marine Charity (RNRMC). Our Psychotherapist and Counsellor offer a private and confidential service to support current serving personnel who may be experiencing difficulties with alcohol and/or gambling.
Is parental substance use having a negative impact on your children and family life?
Are you unsure of how to improve your situation?
If so then come and access our free and confidential service and bring along anyone from your family who is important to you. At SSJ we understand what the impact of alcohol or drug use can have on families and children. We are non-judgmental and only here to help make you and your families lives better.
We can work with whole families to support you to improve yours, your partner’s and your children’s lives where there is parental substance misuse.
A Family Worker can meet with you and your family in your home or a community location to understand your situation and what changes you would like to make.
Once we have made a family plan, your Family Worker will agree with you how often you would like to meet, and what kinds of support would be most useful for you and your family members. We are ready when you are.
Naloxone, Needle Exchange and Harm Reduction
Overdose prevention
Naloxone saves lives! If you, or someone you know is using Heroin, Naloxone is a licensed medication which SSJ can train you in which could save a life in the event of an overdose.
Needle Exchange programmes are designed to help and support people to use substances safely. You can access new, clean and appropriate equipment, as well as accessing advice for staying safe and it’s a place to return your used paraphernalia so that it can be disposed of safely.
Injecting any substance, for any purpose, can come with risks. Access our Needle Exchange, or NSP Direct for packs made specifically to support you if you are using steroids, or using substances to engage in chemsex activities.
Keep Making Changes Program
Throughout your journey you will be offered a variety of opportunities to improve your health, wellbeing, social interaction and self-esteem. Sessions to improve health and well-being, everything from thinking skills to acupuncture, counselling and from therapy sessions to meditation. Where appropriate, we can offer support for your family or carer alongside your own.
See what those in recovery say…
Specialist support
The people who will help you to make your life better will have specialist skills in supporting:
- Armed Forces & Veterans
- Cannabis Support
- Cocaine, Ketamine & Party Drug Users
- Herion Harm Reduction
- LGBTQIAP & ChemSex
- Needle Exchange & Overdose Prevention
- Peer Led Volunteering
- Parent, Children, Families & Carers
- People in the Criminal Justice System
- People who are Homeless
- Women
- Young Adults aged 18-25
- Young Peoples Services
We can also introduce you to someone with lived experience who can provide additional support along the way.